OnVerify plugin is updated for Opencart 2.x and it’s under beta test at http://opencart2.onverify.com/
Please check it out and comments for any features.
The new plugin will support 1.X as well in single installation.
Here is the summary of features:
- VQMod based (no change on core code, so it will be upward compatible with major versions)
- SMS (Text) or Call (An actual phone call conducted) based verification on checkout process, just before the payment
- Templates for SMS text message and Call
- Number of digits in PIN adjustable
- Verification Types (SMS/Call/User Select)
- Limit verifications to specific customer groups
- Upgrade customer after verification (so automatic extra permissions and bypass verification next purchase)
- Maximum verification retries and retry time limits to minimize bad use
- Limit the verification to specific payments (Such as do only for credit cards, but omit for cash on delivery)
- Limit verification to same number for the defined period
- Unique phone number requirement per account
- Match IP Country to Billing Country (any mismatch will stop payment)
- Mach IP Country to Shipping Country(Mismatch will stop payment)
- Do verifications according to the total amount (Do verifications if total is bigger than X amount)
- Blacklist IP
- Blacklist numbers (or prefixes)
- Admin purchase notifications via phone or sms
- Customer order status notifications via phone or sms