Phone Verification Modules for Popular Web Software continues to provide more support to Online Business with ready to go modules for the selected software. The most recent contribution is WHMCS Fraud Protection module, which is free of charge and try. Online demo is available at It carries all the characteristics of OnVerify Module architecture, such as:

  1. Automatic number validation and correction
  2. Supports Phone or SMS Verification
  3. Call Flow or SMS message can be customized
  4. Extra security levels: #retry limit, ip->country code checking,…
  5. Free Module
  6. Pay only per verification
WHMCS module also includes support for Maxmind’s minFraud system.

Before WHMCS module, OnVerify developed following modules:

  1. Opencart Phone Verification (
  2. VBulletin Phone Verification (
  3. WordPress Phone Verification (

New modules are under development, announcements will be posted to provides automated phone/sms verification service. This solution can be highly customized. OnVerify does not charge for account opening or does not ask a monthly fee. You will only pay per verification. You don’t have to pay a dime till you test everything and find the solution meets your requirements!

Fraud Protection module for WHMCS proudly announces the immediate availability of Fraud Protection Module for WHMCS


Here are the feature highlights:

  1. All verification types. Can be set from admin: Phone, SMS, Auto Selection, User Select
  2. Call flow can be set using OnVerify Template system. Web based management
  3. Limit maximum number of verifications for the same order
  4. Setting of retry time between verification trials
  5. Do verification for all orders, or bypass verification for verified users
  6. Maxmind minFraud option
  7. Automated number formatting and validation built-in
  8. Extra security of checking IP->Phone number country code

Live demo is available at, do a new order.

Contact for the plugin package after opening a free account at

Fraud Protection Module for WHMCS proudly announces the first beta of Fraud Protection Module for WHMCS.

Here are the highlights:

1. Automated number validation
2. Phone and/or SMS Verification (can be set exlusively or can be left to the user)
3. Ability to retry verification in case customer cannot pick up phone
4. #retries limited on panel
5. Time interval between retries can be set
6. SMS message can be changed from panel or language file
7. Phone verification template can be set, managed over
8. Option to verify all orders (verified customers is bypassed by default)
9. Number of digits on pin can be selected.

See it in action at (or

We are working on the final bits of the module, we will announce when module goes alpha. Till that time all comments are welcome, we will be happy to add a new feature you like to see in this module