Prestashop Phone Verification module updated

Immediate update available for Prestashop:

  • 1.6.x compatibility
  • Verification at account creation
  • Verification on Login (OTP)
  • Verification on Checkout

The demo is available at


The plugin is available at (a free account required)

Phone Verification Plugin for Opencart 2.X

OnVerify plugin is updated for Opencart 2.x and it’s under beta test at


Please check it out and comments for any features.


The new plugin will support 1.X as well in single installation.


Here is the summary of features:


  • VQMod based (no change on core code, so it will be upward compatible with major versions)
  • SMS (Text) or Call (An actual phone call conducted) based verification on checkout process, just before the payment
  • Templates for SMS text message and Call
  • Number of digits in PIN adjustable
  • Verification Types (SMS/Call/User Select)
  • Limit verifications to specific customer groups
  • Upgrade customer after verification (so automatic extra permissions and bypass verification next purchase)
  • Maximum verification retries and retry time limits to minimize bad use
  • Limit the verification to specific payments (Such as do only for credit cards, but omit for cash on delivery)
  • Limit verification to same number for the defined period
  • Unique phone number requirement per account
  • Match IP Country to Billing Country (any mismatch will stop payment)
  • Mach IP Country to Shipping Country(Mismatch will stop payment)
  • Do verifications according to the total amount (Do verifications if total is bigger than X amount)
  • Blacklist IP
  • Blacklist numbers (or prefixes)
  • Admin purchase notifications via phone or sms
  • Customer order status notifications via phone or sms

Phone Verification for Vbulletin Updated

Phone Verification Plugin for Vbulletin 4.X is updated with the following features:

  1. Call in phone verification. Instead of auto call out, the user needs to call the given number to access pin
  2. Zero configuration. The plugin is 100% customized for your account at onverify. Just download the plugin from, and import the product (copy verify*.php to VB4 root), you are ready to go
  3. Auto Upgrade & Downgrade group options. You may automatically upgrade the user upon verification. If user changes the phone number of profile or auto downgrade time passed (since verification), user is degraded to provided user group

Just login to, and browse to and get your customized plugin.

Phone Verification Extension for Opencart (Update)

A new update of phone verification extension for opencart is immediately available at These are the new features:


  1. Ability to limit verification to specific customer groups
  2. Limit verification to specific payment types
  3. Limit verification for orders with high totals
  4. New order notification to admin
  5. Order status change notification to customer


The demo is at You can get the free extension from Test it without a cost and no obligation to pay unless you want to keep it.



OnVerify Phone Verification for WordPress Updated

OnVerify Phone Verification Plugin for WordPress is updated. This is a minor change release. This release corrects the incompatibility for installations with different directory structure, and also adds more security to the code itself.

A demo is available at

More informations is available at

The Plugin is available at and will be released to WordPress repository soon.