OnVerify.com serves Web Business’ to reduce fraud, verify or notify users, bridge online business tooffline business. OnVerify.com helps Web Business’ by keeping fraudulent users out, by AutomatedPhone Verifications.OnVerify.com provides following services:
1. Phone Verification (Announce Pin on Phone, Enter Pin on Web)
2. Reverse Phone Verification (Announce Pin on Web, Enter Pin on Phone)
3. Sms Verification/Notification (Any Mobile Phone)
4. Fax Notification (Standard Faxes)
The main technologies that OnVerify.com based on: Telephony, SMS and Fax.
OnVerify.com provides HTTP API and SOAP API.
The main sectors that OnVerify.com serves:
1. Online Gaming/Game Currency
2. Online Food Ordering
3. Online Credit Card Processing
4. Online Ad Networks
5. Online Investment Business
The main advantages of OnVerify.Com can be summarized as:
- Everything works in real time
- Very competitively priced. Starts from 3.72 cents per answered call.
- Flexible voice prompt system with built-in TTS, and Wav files. Zero cost to customize the message.
- Voice prompts can even be customized on the fly, during the verification/announcement initialization with parameters
- Built-in TTS (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish)
- Works for all types phones and worldwide
- High Capacity