Enhanced SMS Verification Service

OnVerify is proud to announce several enhancements on sms verification, which is a primarily used to verify mobile phone numbers and users:

  1. Standard SMS Verification. OnVerify delivers in a robust, highly available environment. Only bills, “valid”, “live” phone number verifications. (Why do you pay for wrong mobile numbers?)
  2. Reverse SMS Verification. Add a second step to the verification, not only you check the sms deliverability, but also you complete the verification over user’s mobile phone.
  3. POP SMS. This is an exciting new service, which pops verification pin on user’s phone. This SMS is not stored on phone. It’s single use, and not stored. Very suitable for otp use. All phones supported. Works over GSM networks.
  4. Reverse POP SMS. This service is an extension to POP SMS. Not only it delivers a pop message on the phone, you can also get the pin from the user. Zero cost to the customer. Enhanced and flexible service.
Will detail new services on the upcoming blogs, but I would suggest you to test live demo at http://www.onverify.com/phone-verification-demo

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