I am running an online business. I have several costs, hosting, development, design, seo, marketing,.. Why will I add another cost? What is the point?
I have several answers to this question. If you are conducting an online business any protection and validation method that fits your sales flow, counts!
What is your goal? To get more users? To collect lead data? Increase your registered users?
Automated Phone Verification in its standard and basic model adds another captcha, where captcha delivery is offline but real time.
Your lead fills in a form, he may give several fake information including a contact number. With automated phone verification in place, you will get rid of invalid data but also a reachable lead. Believe me, a contactable sales lead is very very valuable if the lead comes from online world.
How about you are getting several registrationsto your services every day? How about if they enter, easy to, false information? Automated phone verification validates each registration. Also, automated phone verification keeps these users out.
As a business owner I want to earn money. I market the business, bring customers to web site, tell them what is offered. Try to convince them to register and pay. In case of chargeback of fraud several processors bill at least the fees, while cancelling the payment. Even some chargeback fees can be applied. So even a $20 sale can cost you $3-$30. Automated phone verification helps you to minimize this probabilty. Most of the fraudsters avoid sites protected with automated phone verification. Also ask your credit card processor if they accept automated phone verification as a proof of payment, because paypal accepts it.
You will benefit from automated phone verification. Why don’t you open a free account at onverify, test it free? You won’t lose anything but can earn lots