Simplified Email to Fax Solution

OnVerify proudly announces the immediate availability of email to fax solution. The solution is tailored for web based forms and information gathering. It’s as easy as to send an email to deliver a form’s results to a fax machine worldwide.

In order to make it work:

  • Open an account at
  • Set your sender email at My Account / Email To Fax
  • Get your code for the new sender
  • Send an email to

Pricing is per delivered fax page. Details are at

You can also conduct automated phone confirmation process after fax delivery.

Fraud Protection Module for WHMCS proudly announces the first beta of Fraud Protection Module for WHMCS.

Here are the highlights:

1. Automated number validation
2. Phone and/or SMS Verification (can be set exlusively or can be left to the user)
3. Ability to retry verification in case customer cannot pick up phone
4. #retries limited on panel
5. Time interval between retries can be set
6. SMS message can be changed from panel or language file
7. Phone verification template can be set, managed over
8. Option to verify all orders (verified customers is bypassed by default)
9. Number of digits on pin can be selected.

See it in action at (or

We are working on the final bits of the module, we will announce when module goes alpha. Till that time all comments are welcome, we will be happy to add a new feature you like to see in this module

Phone Verification Module for Opencart

OnVerify proudly announces the first beta of opencart phone verification module. Here are the key features:

  1. Works just before the payment process
  2. Supports worldwide phone or sms verification
  3. Built-in phone number validity check
  4. Built-in phone number correction according to customer’s country
  5. Ability to promote customer’s to specific group for further permissions or bypass verification for verified customers
  6. Ability to bypass specific customer groups like wholesale
  7. Blacklist property
  8. Automatically updates user’s phone number on file
  9. Call flow controlled by web based template, run over
  10. SMS can be customized according to your web site
  11. Totally transparent and works behind the scenes

Check it out live at All comments are welcome. Drop us a note if you like to test it on your site.

We will announce when we officially move it to alpha stage

Advanced Phone Verification for Vbulletin (4.X) proudly announces the new release of Vbulletin 4.X plugin, which verifies all registrations and paid subscriptions with automated phone calls and/or sms (text messages)

Some of the feature highlights:

  1. Phone/SMS Verification is only conducted when user tries to activate account with email
  2. Able to promote user to a specific group when verification completed
  3. Existing users can be verified from their profile
  4. Option to verify Paid Subscriptions
  5. Automatic number formatting according to the user’s IP (Country)
  6. Verification type can be selected from product options as Phone, SMS or Combined (SMS to mobile, Call to others)
The product is live at, give it try and drop us a note to organize you a package.

Enhanced SMS Verification Service

OnVerify is proud to announce several enhancements on sms verification, which is a primarily used to verify mobile phone numbers and users:

  1. Standard SMS Verification. OnVerify delivers in a robust, highly available environment. Only bills, “valid”, “live” phone number verifications. (Why do you pay for wrong mobile numbers?)
  2. Reverse SMS Verification. Add a second step to the verification, not only you check the sms deliverability, but also you complete the verification over user’s mobile phone.
  3. POP SMS. This is an exciting new service, which pops verification pin on user’s phone. This SMS is not stored on phone. It’s single use, and not stored. Very suitable for otp use. All phones supported. Works over GSM networks.
  4. Reverse POP SMS. This service is an extension to POP SMS. Not only it delivers a pop message on the phone, you can also get the pin from the user. Zero cost to the customer. Enhanced and flexible service.
Will detail new services on the upcoming blogs, but I would suggest you to test live demo at

SMS Verification Service announces the unique features at SMS Verification:

1. Robust infrastructure. System not only fail overs, undeliverable sms are re-routed to alternative providers. Re-routes, re-sends are not billed extra. You are charged per transaction.

2. Automatic number format checking. No worries in case your customers provide a wrong number, we don’t bill it. Instead return error,

3. Worldwide numbering plan checking. Together with number format checking, we also check if country code + prefix is defined. In real time, without an extra cost.

4. We do not bill or try to deliver to a mobile number if the number is not “live”. Ask this especially from your current sms verification provider.


Give it a try at There is online sms verification demo at demo page. Account opening is free. Don’t pay till you test and see it working.



Phone Verification and Confirmation Services

Been a while that we did not update the blog for news, new information and what we do nowadays. Give it to summer time, we will announce very new and cool services very soon.

Recently we released a new API for combined phone and sms verification. With a single call, OnVerify delivers your PIN or OTP to the customer with phone call or sms, which is auto selected according to phone type and capability. All of the parameters are same and a combination of Phone Only phone verification and SMS Only verification, the migration is quite simple. You just need to change the url of the service, viola, you have it.

Some of the ebay sellers, or occasional sellers know about our manual phone verification model; this is a web based tool, that generates a unique url to execute automated phone verification. You just login to, generate the url, and send it to your customer. Very handy for ebay sellers, occasional sellers, or if you like to test the system for a while, but do not want it to be real time.

We listen to our customers, when they ask a feature, we try to add it up as soon as possible. Even it’s used in a single site, it makes us happy, motivated to see our solution really fits to our customer’s needs.

So, as we started with standard phone verification, it was just simple pin/otp delivery solution. Now we have, phone confirmation (reverse phone verification), sms verification, fax services, two way sms solution, HTTP and SOAP APIs, Copy paste html solution, call in phone verification.

Even we have diversified so many products and services, believe me, it never ends. A simple detail in a product and service brings another one, as our customers are very open minded and express their ideas and force us to have it.

Thank you

Benefits of Automated Phone Verification

I am running an online business. I have several costs, hosting, development, design, seo, marketing,.. Why will I add another cost? What is the point?

I have several answers to this question. If you are conducting an online business any protection and validation method that fits your sales flow, counts!

What is your goal? To get more users? To collect lead data? Increase your registered users?

Automated Phone Verification in its standard and basic model adds another captcha, where captcha delivery is offline but real time.

Your lead fills in a form, he may give several fake information including a contact number. With automated phone verification in place, you will get rid of invalid data but also a reachable lead. Believe me, a contactable sales lead is very very valuable if the lead comes from online world.

How about you are getting several registrationsto your services every day? How about if they enter, easy to, false information? Automated phone verification validates each registration. Also, automated phone verification keeps these users out.

As a business owner I want to earn money. I market the business, bring customers to web site, tell them what is offered. Try to convince them to register and pay. In case of chargeback of fraud several processors bill at least the fees, while cancelling the payment. Even some chargeback fees can be applied. So even a $20 sale can cost you $3-$30. Automated phone verification helps you to minimize this probabilty. Most of the fraudsters avoid sites protected with automated phone verification. Also ask your credit card processor if they accept automated phone verification as a proof of payment, because paypal accepts it.

You will benefit from automated phone verification. Why don’t you open a free account at onverify, test it free? You won’t lose anything but can earn lots

All In One Phone Verification Solution by OnVerify announces the complete phone verification solution services. At, we provide:

1. Phone Verification

This is an automated phone verification call. The pin is announced on the phone. Announced pin needed to be entered on the web form to complete a transaction. This model is used for transaction verification, user verification, two factor authentication, one time password, lead verification.

2. Reverse Phone Verification or Phone Confirmation.

In this automated phone verification call, pin is provided at web site or email but entered on the phone. This model is very useful for confirming online orders with predefined pin/pass, or according to the order number. Order confirmation, user verification, authentication are common uses.

3. Sms / Text Message Verification

Instead of automated phone call, if your users can provide mobile numbers, pin is delivered to the mobile phone as sms text message. The received pin must be entered on web form to complete. This model is very similar to phone verification, so best suitable usages are same. Differences are;

a. Technology. One is phone call, other is text message. On phone call user must listen and note pin. On text message user must read the text.
b. Phone call is an immediate action, where short message delivery may be delayed due to operators.
c. For phone verification, all types of phones can be used. On sms, only mobile phones can be used. On this sense, sms verification may be unsuitable for business type verifications.

4. Call In Phone Verification

Instead of automated call to the number of the customer, the customer has to call a predetermined number from the registered call. The called number can be normal phone line or toll-free. Coupon validation, user authentication, customer verification are common uses.

Telephony Solutions for Online Food Order Business

OnVerify provides complete telephone set for online food order business which are:

1. Web to Fax Service. Send order details via fax to the restaurant. Just provide the html and number, onverify delivers it as a fax.

2. Automated Phone Confirmation. Confirm the order automatically by calling the restaurant. Restaurant needs to enter his pin or order specific pin on the phone.

3. Send SMS notification. Inform customer for delivery times, notify restaurant order in case of urgency. You can even dispatch replies. Or you can use it for urgent cases.

4. Phone Verification. Verify the order from the customer.

5. Phone Notification. For marketing or urgent cases

Give it a free trial at Account opening is free. There is no monthly minimum, or monthly fee.