No. Only answered calls are billed.
No. Only answered calls are billed.
Yes, works for all phone numbers worldwide. does automatic phone verification for all numbers and return you phone type information, such as landline, mobile, payphone, etc.. Give it a try from demo page
When you are suspicious about order, you better call the customer to confirm and cross-check the order. Because either your previous experience or your fraud scoring system alerted you. Sometimes that simple call helps to get rid of a $25 chargeback.
If number of orders are high during the day, or it’s hard to place a staff for this calling operation; here comes Automated Phone Verification & Confirmation. Automated Phone Verification & Confirmation will help you automate your Order Checking process via phone; no hardware, no special software, and no personnel to run this. provides a solution. helps you to Automate the Phone Verification and Phone Confirmation process. All you need to do is to integrate API into your existing code and process.
As online business, you are open to Credit Card Fraud. To be honest, there is no 100% mechanism to stop fraud. But there are some tips to minimize the fraud: