How to add Phone Verification to your website with’s Services

Adding a phone verification to your web site consists of following steps:

  1. Display form to get number
  2. Get number, generate pin code
  3. Initiate verification call over
  4. Display Form to validate announced pin
  5. If entered pin is right, mark verification completed
  6. If entered pin is wrong, ask pin again

Display Form to Get Number

Here is a simple form to get number:

<form method=”post”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”a” value=”call”>
<input type=”text” name=”number”> (must be in international format ie 18581234567 (country code+areacode+number)
<input type=”submit” name=”verify” value=”verify”>
Get Number, Generate Pin (PHP)
$number = $_POST[number];
if ($number) {
$pin = sprintf(“%s%s%s%s”, rand(1,9), rand(1,9), rand(1,9),rand(1,9));
$_SESSION[pincheck] = $pin;
Initiate Verification
youruserid and apipass is provided in your account when you logged in to yourtemplateid is listed under Templates tab. You can change the flow of the call from
$f = file(“{$pin}&template_id=yourtemplateid&number={$number}”);

Display Form to Get Announced Pin

a verification call is on the way, please enter the pin announced on the phone here to complete

<form method=post>

<input type=hidden name=a value=getpin>

<input type=hidden name=a value=getpin>

<input type=text name=pin>

<input type=submit name=verify>


Check Entered Pin

if ($_POST[pin]==$_SESSION[pincheck])  {

echo “all ok. continue with other processing<br>”;


else echo “wrong pin<br>”; // redisplay pin entrance form

Integration of’s Phone Verification is simple and straightforward. You can open a free account at to see it in action and to test. A real-time automated demo is located here.

Download complete sample phone verification code

One Time Password with Phone Verification by

Today, I want to discuss One Time Password solution with Phone Verification, definition, benefits and how to implement it with

One Time Password is a password that’s valid only for the current session or transaction, by it’s definition. So, rather than asking the same password, your customer needs to enter a password that can be used only once and specific to the transaction he wants to conduct. It helps to solve a couple of problems like

  1. Stolen Password
  2. Forgetten Password
  3. Brute Force Attacks

One Time Password adds another security level to the transaction.

On the implementation side, you need to provide One Time Passwords to your customers before they want to do a transaction. One of the solutions is to sending a token generating small device to your customer. But this brings delivery issues with itself, and it’s not immediate.

Another solution is sending the One Time Password via SMS (short text message) to the mobile number on file. provides worldwide delivery of SMS. It’s suitable if you have the mobile number of the customer. This method has got a high security property. You don’t need to send a device to your customer. It’s immediate. But this method won’t work if you do not have the mobile phone number of the customer.

A %100 working solution would be sending the One Time Password via an automated Phone Verification call. The password is generated on the fly, that’s bound to specific transaction. When your customer wants to login your services, an Automated Phone Verification will be initiated to the phone number on file. When customer picks up the phone, he will hear the password as voice. He needs to enter the password on your system to access and complete a transaction.

For more information how to setup One Time Password with Phone Verification please contact us or send us an email to

Eliminate Fraud with Phone Verification

Let’s face it: If you re doing business online, your business is open 24 hours a day.  It’s still reachable at 3am when you are not watching it.

Another fact is that there are several fraudsters out there trying to order with stolen card, trying to access unauthorized accounts. And they do that this way or that way.

One another thing is that, while you try to reach real customers, you may find out that a fraudster filled several records in your database.

I can extend the samples a lot, but the main point is, you need to identify “good” and “bad”. Yes, by your business experience you can do till a certain point. But there are so many user profiles out there that you cannot identify only by your experience. here helps you and provides an automated way to distinguish “good” and “bad” with automated phone verifications.

For example, you are accepting free sign-ups for lead generation, a classical flow is:

  1. Display the offer
  2. Ask the customer’s details
  3. Record Details
  4. Send a welcome e-mail’s phone verification system can be placed in between 2 and 3; ask the customer to verify himself, easily, with an automated phone call.(It’s easier than sending an e-mail). So your new flow will be

  1. Display offer
  2. Ask the customer’s details
  3. Initiate a verification via
  4. Ask announced pin
  5. RecordDetails
  6. Send a welcome e-mail

Adding an automated phone verification usually takes 2 hours to 2 days. There will be no setup or monthly fee, you will be charged only for the answered calls. See a live demo at

Bridging Your Online Business with Offline Processing with Phone Confirmation by

There are several business cases where your business is online, but your suppliers/sales personnel/providers are offline; so you cannot connect via internet. Some of the examples:

1. Online Food Ordering Business, where there are several restaurants,

2. Sales Personnel at field, where he cannot access internet

3. Online Florist (Flower Ordering) in a big geographical span where several florists need to be working.

In this business model, you need to gather order from internet, process payment and need a way to communicate with offline supplier/provider. You need to pass the order to supplier and also need to confirm that order. has got a complete solution package to this problem:

1. Most of the business has got dedicated fax machines. You can send fax to any worldwide destination only using html formatted documents.

2. Reverse Phone Verification / Phone Confirmation will help you to get confirmation from the supplier/provider. This is a call to supplier and ask a pin to confirm.

3. Sms/Phone Notification will help you to notify your supplier about a new order, and to notify your customer

4. Call In Phone Verification is a dedicated intelligent call center that you can set specific actions when your supplier calls your call center number. Like playing the last order, accepting or rejecting the last order, etc…

Visit for more information or just drop an e-mail to

Fraud Prevention:Experience is Everything

Experience is everything. You need to keep records of successful and unsuccessful transactions; and learn from them. Copy the successful ones. Avoid unsuccessful. Unsuccessful ones (fraud, chargeback) will tell you the way hacker/scammer works, and add prevention methods to your system.

For example, if you see too much fraud from a country that you see safe, add this country to your fraud monitoring/scoring system. If you see too much from from a phone number, add prefix and type of it. Examples dont stop.

Your fraud monitorin/scoring system is a live one.

Fraud Prevention: Calling the Customer

When you are suspicious about  order,  you better call the customer to confirm and cross-check the order. Because either your previous experience or your fraud scoring system alerted you. Sometimes that simple call helps to get rid of a $25 chargeback.

If number of orders are high during the day, or it’s hard to place a staff for this calling operation;  here comes Automated Phone Verification & Confirmation. Automated Phone Verification & Confirmation will help you automate your Order Checking process via phone; no hardware, no special software, and no personnel to run this. provides a solution. helps you to Automate the Phone Verification and Phone Confirmation process. All you need to do is to integrate API into your existing code and process.

About OnVerify.Com serves Web Business’ to reduce fraud, verify or notify users, bridge online business to offline business. helps Web Business’ by keeping fraudulent users out, by Automated Phone Verifications. provides following services:
1. Phone Verification (Announce Pin on Phone, Enter Pin on Web)
2. Reverse Phone Verification (Announce Pin on Web, Enter Pin on Phone)
3. Sms Verification/Notification (Any Mobile Phone)
4. Fax Notification (Standard Faxes) serves Web Business’ to reduce fraud, verify or notify users, bridge online business tooffline business. helps Web Business’ by keeping fraudulent users out, by AutomatedPhone provides following services:

1. Phone Verification (Announce Pin on Phone, Enter Pin on Web)

2. Reverse Phone Verification (Announce Pin on Web, Enter Pin on Phone)

3. Sms Verification/Notification (Any Mobile Phone)

4. Fax Notification (Standard Faxes)

The main technologies that based on: Telephony, SMS and Fax. provides HTTP API and SOAP API.

The main sectors that serves:

1. Online Gaming/Game Currency

2. Online Food Ordering

3. Online Credit Card Processing

4. Online Ad Networks

5. Online Investment Business

The main advantages of OnVerify.Com can be summarized as:

  1. Everything works in real time
  2. Very competitively priced. Starts from 3.72 cents per answered call.
  3. Flexible voice prompt system with built-in TTS, and Wav files. Zero cost to customize the message.
  4. Voice prompts can even be customized on the fly, during the verification/announcement initialization with parameters
  5. Built-in TTS (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish)
  6. Works for all types phones and worldwide
  7. High Capacity